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How do you play?
I like to dribble past defenders and shoot at goal.
Get away from defenders so that my team can pass me the ball and I can score.
Use my speed to get past defenders and score.
Give the last pass to the goal scorer or take a long shot.
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What position do you like to play in?
A forward always looking for chances.
A midfielder staying back.
A winger playing forward.
An outside defender who sometimes moves forward.
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Your team have a corner. What do you do?
Stand near the penalty spot hoping to score with a header.
Position yourself by the far post.
Stand to one side and ask for a short corner.
Ask to take it yourself and try to get the ball to swerve into the net.
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Two against two in a counterattack. What would you do?
Nutmeg the first and dribble past the second.
Dribble past the first and pass to the other player.
Run ahead so that the other player can pass to you.
Break through, it doesn’t matter who scores.
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How do you like to kick the ball?
Bend it into the top corner of the net.
So that it curves.
As it comes.
Toe kick.
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Your team have a penalty. What do you do?
I usually take them.
Take a short run and kick the ball hard, low and to the side.
I look for a way to trick the goalkeeper.
Play safe and aim for the middle of the goal.
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You’re brought down with an “unsportsmanlike” tackle. How do you react?
Get up with fists at the ready.
Tell the other player what you think of him.
It depends on how the match is going.
Ask the referee to show him a card.
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Are you important to your team?
They’d be lost without me.
Yes, but somebody else could play as well as me.
Nobody’s indispensable.
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How violent are you when you’re playing?
I don’t usually commit fouls.
I commit fouls but only when I’m fighting for the ball.
I commit tactical fouls.
My feelings often get the better of me.
Are you sure you want to leave now?
You can try again later.
{"clases":["General"],"preguntas":[{"titulo":"How do you play?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I like to dribble past defenders and shoot at goal.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Get away from defenders so that my team can pass me the ball and I can score.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Use my speed to get past defenders and score.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"Give the last pass to the goal scorer or take a long shot.","img":"","puntos":"20"}]},{"titulo":"What position do you like to play in?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"A forward always looking for chances.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"A midfielder staying back.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"A winger playing forward.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"An outside defender who sometimes moves forward.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Your team have a corner. What do you do?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Stand near the penalty spot hoping to score with a header.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Position yourself by the far post.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Stand to one side and ask for a short corner.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"Ask to take it yourself and try to get the ball to swerve into the net.","img":"","puntos":"20"}]},{"titulo":"Two against two in a counterattack. What would you do?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Nutmeg the first and dribble past the second.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Dribble past the first and pass to the other player.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Run ahead so that the other player can pass to you.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"Break through, it doesn\u2019t matter who scores.","img":"","puntos":"20"}]},{"titulo":"How do you like to kick the ball?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Bend it into the top corner of the net.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"So that it curves.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"As it comes.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Toe kick.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Your team have a penalty. What do you do?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I usually take them.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Take a short run and kick the ball hard, low and to the side.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"I look for a way to trick the goalkeeper.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Play safe and aim for the middle of the goal.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"You\u2019re brought down with an \u201cunsportsmanlike\u201d tackle. How do you react?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Get up with fists at the ready.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Tell the other player what you think of him.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"It depends on how the match is going.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Ask the referee to show him a card.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Are you important to your team?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"They\u2019d be lost without me.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Yes, but somebody else could play as well as me.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Reasonably.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"Nobody\u2019s indispensable.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"How violent are you when you\u2019re playing?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I don\u2019t usually commit fouls.","img":"","puntos":"20"},{"titulo":"I commit fouls but only when I\u2019m fighting for the ball.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"I commit tactical fouls.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"My feelings often get the better of me.","img":"","puntos":"1"}]}],"resultados":[{"titulo":"You like an easy life without worries but with a degree of order. You\u2019re always serious, unless friends come to liven up your day. You don\u2019t usually get bored because you can imagine anything if you start thinking.","img":"","puntos_ini":"9","puntos_fin":"54"},{"titulo":"Your personality depends on the moment. You\u2019ve thought about everything you\u2019re going to do but you know life can bring surprises. You should learn to choose your friends, live more spontaneously and leave your passive side behind.","img":"","puntos_ini":"55","puntos_fin":"99"},{"titulo":"You\u2019re cheerful and you like to put colour in your life. Although you\u2019re happy, you feel that something is missing and you keep trying to find it. Stop searching: it\u2019s easier for that \u201csomething\u201d to find you than it is for you to look for it.","img":"","puntos_ini":"100","puntos_fin":"144"},{"titulo":"You\u2019re calm and assertive. You like to see things clearly. You\u2019re realistic and know that what happens is your destiny and you don\u2019t want to change it. You know that what will be will be, so you don\u2019t worry much about what will happen. You love joking.","img":"","puntos_ini":"145","puntos_fin":"180"}],"titulo":"What\u0027s your style of playing football?"}